PT Bukit Borneo Sejahtera (PT BBS) is a palm oil plantation company in Malinau “Conservation” District, North Kalimantan. PT BBS has vision of develop the plantation in balance among economic, social and environment aspect. Yasiwa has been cooperated since the early step of planning and development of the plantation to assure biodiversity and ecological services of natural habitat were maintained and planted in optimal land, by set aside land with protection function and river buffer.
- Boundary and condition survey of ten hills of conservation area and river buffers
- Biodiversity inventory
- Enriched and replanting of river buffer with local fruit, timber or other useful trees such as Eusideroxylon zwageri, Shorea pinangan, Artocarpus altilis, Aquilaria sp, Dryobalanop sp, Bambusa sp. and Moringa oleifer.
- Conservation awareness for the plantation employee, school children and community.
Develop stingless bee (Trigona spp.) keeper to increase the value of forest and land around the oil palm