PT Pusaka Agro Lestari (PT PAL) is a palm oil plantation in Mimika region, Papua Province, which is started land clearing in mid-2012. Yasiwa started to cooperate with PT PAL at the end of 2012 to initiate survey and develop conservation plan.
Development of conservation programs and department during period of August 2013-December 2015.
The activities were mostly intended for on the job training for company’s staffs include:
- Equipment procurement
- Help to recruit Senior Assistant
- Build cooperation with Cendrawasih University (UNCEN) Jayapura, for implementing biodiversity survey. Surveys have been carried out: fresh water fish, butterfly and battle surveys, and flora inventory permanent plot setting for long term monitoring.
- Ground check and determine the boundary of river buffer and conservation area
- Systematic and periodic inventory and monitoring of biodiversity using camera trap, mist net, and direct observation
- Develop long term database as a basis for prioritize conservation action
- Setting up plots for long term monitoring of plants in cooperation with UNIPA
- Awareness and conservation education for company’s employee
- Print media development for wildlife protection