The program “Strengthening Collaborative Management of Mesangat Suwi Wetlands Essential Ecosystem as Habibat of Siamese Crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) and Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) in East Kutai Regency” was implemented by Consortium Yasiwa and Ulin Foundation with funding from the Tropical Forest Conservation Act Kalimantan (TFCAK), for the period April 2021 to March 2024.
Four targets:
- Optimizing the role and involvement of Collaborativ Management Forum members in managing KEE LBMS. Understanding and commitment of forum members are built through forum coordination meetings and engagement of forum members in field activities which are also intended to build connectedness with the village government and community.
- Collecting more comprehensive basic information on ecological, social and hydrological aspects to provide the information for long-term management planning.
- Provide Mesangat Suwi Wetland Management Plan from various aspects to ensure protection, conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem restoration and sustainable use for the long term, as well as guide for proboscys monkey habitat management and siamese crocodyle habitat management,
Strengthening Community-Based Management is developed through training and assistance for villages planning and natural resource management that is integrated with village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).